Dart is a language optimized for client-side development for web and mobile. Dart helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences across all screens, with: A client-optimized language, rich, powerful frameworks, delightful, flexible tooling.
Flutter is the new Cross-platform Mobile Development Framework created by Google, which allows developers to build Android and iOS Apps.
Course Outline:
- Dart Programming Language
- Control Flow and Functions in Dart
- Object Oriented Programming
- Data Structures and Collections in Dart
- Dart Libraries and Packages and Project Structure
- Building Multi-platform Apps With Google's Flutter SDK
- Flutter Basic Layouts and Container Widgets
- Flutter and Material Design Widgets
- Flutter - Stateful and Stateless Widgets
- Flutter - Building Layouts and More Widgets
- Flutter - IO - Read/Write to Device
- Flutter - Database Using SQFLITE
- Flutter Database - Build a Full-fledged No-Todo App
- Flutter and Firebase - Introduction to Firebase and Realtime Database
- Flutter & Firebase Authentication